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[1] 国家青年科学基金项目赵冬黄土区坡改梯后土壤团聚体微结构的演变特征及其稳定机制研究,项目编号:41807018,时间:20191月—202112月,主持,结项。

[2] 河南省重点研发与推广专项(科技攻关)基于显微CT的土壤三维结构量化关键技术研究,项目编号:232102320269,时间:20231月—202412月,主持,在研。

[3] 河南省科学院基本科研费项目市域尺度下河南省景观格局时空演变及驱动机制研究,项目编号:240601087,时间:20241月—202512月,主持,在研。



[1] Dong Zhao,Lanbo Guo,Guolong Chen,Lijie Yan,Tingting Sun(2024).Simulation and evaluation of ecosystem service value along the Yellow River in Henan Province,China.Front. Environ. Sci. 12:1414639. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2024.1414639.

[2] 郭兰博,赵冬(通讯作者),杨嗣海,尤清田,孙婷婷.郑州市生态系统服务价值评估及多情景模拟.环境科学与技术,2024,47(06):191-199.

[3] 郭兰博,赵冬(通讯作者),陈国龙,闫丽洁,冯鹏宇,王严. 2000-2020年郑州市土地利用状态时空变化特征.地域研究与开发,2023,42(4):149-154.

[4] Jun Qiao,Jing Wang,Dong Zhao,et al.Effect of continuous N fertilizer reduction on N losses and wheat yield in the Taihu Lake region, China. Journal of Cleaner Production,2022.06.

[5] Jun Qiao,Jing Wang, Dong Zhao,et al.Optimizing N fertilizer rates sustained rice yields, improved N use efficiency, and decreased N losses via runoff from rice-wheat cropping systems.Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment,2022.10.

[6] Jun Qiao, Dong Zhao,Wei Zhou,Tingmei Yan,Linzhang Yang.Sustained rice yields and decreased N runoff in a rice-wheat cropping system by replacing wheat with Chinese milk vetch and sharply reducing fertilizer use. Environmental Pollution,2021.07.

[7] Zhao Dong, Xu Ming Xiang, Liu Guo Bin, et al.Quantification of soil aggregate microstructure on abandoned cropland during vegetative succession using synchrotron radiation-based micro-computed tomography.Soil and Tillage Research,2017,165:239-246.

[8] Zhao Dong, Xu Ming Xiang, Liu Guo Bin, et al. Effect of vegetation type on microstructure of soil aggregates on the Loess Plateau, China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2017, 242: 1–8.

[9] 赵冬,许明祥,刘国彬,.用显微 CT 研究不同植被恢复模式的土壤团聚体微结构特征.农业工程学报,2016,32(9): 123-129.

[10] 赵冬,颜廷梅,乔俊,.太湖地区绿肥还田模式下氮肥的深度减量效应.应用生态学报,2015,26(6):1673-1678.




[1] 赵冬(第四名);早期聚落分布时空特征挖掘与分析, 中国测绘学会, 科技进步, 省部二等奖, 2021.