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2016年/9月—2020年/7月    北京林业大学大学  森林经理学专业   博士

2012年/9月—2015年/7月    浙江农林大学大学  森林经理学专业   硕士

2007年/9月—2011年/7月    浙江农林大学大学  地理信息系统专业   学士




1、国家自然青年基金  主持  基于高光谱和LiDAR的黄河流域湿地净初级生产力的精确估算   2024-2026

2、河南省科技攻关  主持  基于高光谱和LiDAR数据的黄河流域中下游湿地生物量估算   2022-2024   

3、河南省科学院院杰青人才培养项目  主持  河南省黄河流域湿地植被净初级生产力的多尺度遥感估算   2022-2023  

4、河南省科技研发计划联合基金  参与  空天地协同的河南省黄河流域湿地演化遥感监测技术与应用  2023-2025



1. Wang Jingxu, Lin Qinan , Meng Shengwang , Huang Huaguo, Liu Yangyang. Individual Tree-Level Monitoring of Pest Infestation Combining Airborne Thermal Imagery and Light Detection and Ranging. Forests, 2024

2. Wang jingxu, Qiu shike, Du jun et al. Spatial and Temporal Changes of Urban Built-Up Area in the Yellow River Basin from Nighttime Light Data. Land, 2022.

3. Wang jingxu, Meng shengwang, Huang huaguo et al. Detection of Yunnan Pine Shoot Beetle Stress Using UAV-Based Thermal Imagery and LiDAR. Applied sciences, 2022.

4. Wang jingxu, Huang huaguo, Lin qinan et al. Feasibility of using mobile phone to estimate forest Leaf Area Index: a case study in Yunnan Pine. Remote sensing letters, 2017.

5. 王景旭,黄华国,林起楠等. 红外热成像监测云南松切梢小蠹虫害: 针叶尺度观测. 植物生态学报, 2019.

6. 王景旭,丁丽霞,程乾. 湿地植被叶面积指数对光化学指数和光能利用率关系的影响——基于实测数据和PROSPECT-SAIL模型. 自然资源学报, 2016.


1. Yang Xiaomin, Ni Yilun, Li Zimin, Yue Kai, Wang Jingxu. Silicon in paddy fields: Benefits for rice production and the potential of rice phytoliths for biogeochemical carbon sequestration. Science of the total environment, 2024.

2. Yang Xiaomin, SongZhaoliang, Wang, Jingxu et al. Significant accrual of soil organic carbon through long-term rice cultivation in paddy fields in China. Global change biology, 2024.

3. Lin Qinan, Huang Huaguo, Wang Jingxu, Chen Ling, Du Huaqiang, Zhou Guomo. Early detection of pine shoot beetle attack using vertical profile of plant traits through UAV-based hyperspectral, thermal, and lidar data. International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation, 2024.

4. Yang, Xiaomin; Song, Zhaoliang; Guo, Laodong; Wang, Jingxu et al. Specific PhytOC fractions in rice straw and consequent implications for potential of phytolith carbon sequestration in global paddy fields. Science of the total environment, 2023.

5. Lin, Qinan, Huang Huaguo, Chen Ling, Wang Jingxu et al. Using the 3D model RAPID to invert the shoot dieback ratio of vertically heterogeneous Yunnan pine forests to detect beetle damage. Remote sensing of environment, 2021.