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2019/9月—2023/9 中国科学院南京土壤研究所植物营养学专业 博士

2016/9月—2018/6 华中农业大学农业资源利用专业 硕士

2012/9月—2016/6 河南农业大学农业资源与环境专业 学士



1.        河南省科学院基本科研费项目:基于农田土壤氮素转化规律提高玉米氮肥利用效率关键技术研究(240601030);2024.012025.1212万,在研,主持;

2.        河南省科技攻关项目:“双碳”目标下城市绿化植物-丛枝菌根共生联合固碳技术研发与应用(242102320323);2024.012025.12,在研,参与;

3.        河南省科技攻关项目:基于土壤孔隙结构的农田土壤水分承载力模型构建及其应用技术研究(242102110225),2024.012025.12,在研,参与;

4.        国家自然科学基金根温与 CO2浓度调控对设施黄瓜根际过程与氮肥利用率的影响及机制研究(41877103; 2019年至2022年,结题,参与;

5.        国家重点研发计划项目:柑橘化肥农药减施技术集成研究与示范项目课题一和课题二(2017YFD0202001 2017YFD0202002);2017年至2021年,结题,参与。


1.       Li, D., Dong, J., Gruda, N.S., Li, X., Duan, Z., 2022. Elevated root-zone temperature promotes the growth and alleviates the photosynthetic acclimation of cucumber plants exposed to elevated [CO2]. Environmental and Experimental Botany 194, 104694.

2.       Li, D., Li, X., Dong, J., Gruda, N.S., Duan, Z., 2023. Warm root-zone temperature ensures the mineral concentrations in cucumber plants under elevated [CO2] by improving the migration pathways of mineral elements from the soil to plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 186, 298-310.

3.       Li, D., Li, X., Han, Q., Zhou, Y., Dong, J., Duan, Z., 2020. Phosphorus application improved the yield of citrus plants grown for three years in an acid soil in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. Scientia Horticulturae 273, 109596.

4.       Li, D., Wang, Z., Gruda, N.S., Dong, J., Li, X., Duan, Z., 2024. Increasing cucumber yield and ensuring fruit quality by combining the elevated atmospheric [CO2] and soil temperature in the greenhouse. International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), Leuven, Belgium, pp. 139-146.

5.       Li, D., Zhang, J., Gruda, N.S., Wang, Z., Duan, Z., Müller, C., et al., 2023. The regulation of gross nitrogen transformation rates in greenhouse soil cultivated with cucumber plants under elevated atmospheric [CO2] and increased soil temperature. Geoderma 439, 116680.

6.       Wang, Z., Li, D., Gruda, N., Zhu, C., Duan, Z., Li, X., 2023. How to Efficiently Produce the Selenium-Enriched Cucumber Fruit with High Yield and Qualities via Hydroponic Cultivation? The Balance between Selenium Supply and CO2 Fertilization. Agronomy 13, 922.

7.       Wang, Z., Li, D., Gruda, N.S., Duan, Z., Li, X.J.R., Conservation, Recycling, 2024. Fertilizer application rate and nutrient use efficiency in Chinese greenhouse vegetable production. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 203, 107431.

8.       李迪,赵温,谭启玲,.伊乐藻对水体磷浓度的生理响应[J].环境科学与技术, 2018, 41(S1): 24-30.